
Mark wiens












(1) 五子棋界面实现;

(2) 智能判定棋盘走势;


(3) 改进了棋盘扫描方式;

(4) 改良了系统评分表评估方式;

(5) 实现了基于点评分表估值找出最佳落子方式。




from time import sleep import pygame from pygame.locals import * from random import randint level = 15 grade = 10 MAX = 1008611 def Scan(chesspad, color): shape = [[[0 for high in range(5)] for col in range(15)] for row in range(15)] 扫描每一个点,然后在空白的点每一个方向上做出价值评估!! for i in range(15): for j in range(15): 如果此处为空 那么就可以开始扫描周边 if chesspad[i][j] == 0: m = i n = j 如果上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到0位! while n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == color: n -= 1 shape[i][j][0] += grade if n-1>=0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][0] += 1 if n-1 >= 0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][0] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到0位! while (n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == color): n += 1 shape[i][j][0] += grade if n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][0] += 1 if n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][0] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果左边跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到1位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == color): m -= 1 shape[i][j][1] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == 0: shape[i][j][1] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == -color: shape[i][j][1] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果右边跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到1位! while (m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == color): m += 1 shape[i][j][1] += grade if m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == 0: shape[i][j][1] += 1 if m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == -color: shape[i][j][1] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果左下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到2位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == color): m -= 1 n += 1 shape[i][j][2] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][2] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][2] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果右上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到2位! while (m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == color): m += 1 n -= 1 shape[i][j][2] += grade if m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][2] += 1 if m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][2] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果左上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到3位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == color): m -= 1 n -= 1 shape[i][j][3] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][3] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][3] -= 2 m = i n = j 如果右下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到3位! while m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == color: m += 1 n += 1 shape[i][j][3] += grade if m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][3] += 1 if m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][3] -= 2 return shape def Sort(shape): for i in shape: for j in i: for x in range(5): for w in range(3, x - 1, -1): if j[w - 1] < j[w]: temp = j[w] j[w - 1] = j[w] j[w] = temp print("This Time Sort Done !") return shape def Evaluate(shape): for i in range(level): for j in range(level): if shape[i][j][0] == 4: return i, j, MAX shape[i][j][4] = shape[i][j][0]*1000 + shape[i][j][1]*100 + shape[i][j][2]*10 + shape[i][j][3] max_x = 0 max_y = 0 max = 0 for i in range(15): for j in range(15): if max < shape[i][j][4]: max = shape[i][j][4] max_x = i max_y = j print("the max is "+ str(max) + " at ( "+ str(max_x)+" , "+str(max_y)+" )") return max_x, max_y, max class chess(object): def __init__(self): self.a = [[0 for high in range(15)] for col in range(15)] def fall(self, x, y, color): if (x < 0 or x > level - 1 or y < 0 or y > level - 1): return self.a[x][y] = color if Judge(x, y, color, self.a, 4): if color < 0: print("The Winner is White!!") else: print("The Winner is Black!!") def isEmpty(self, m, n): if self.a[m][n] != 0: return False else: return True def Judge(x, y, color, CHESSLOCATION, length): count1, count2, count3, count4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 横向判断 i = x - 1 while (i >= 0): if color == CHESSLOCATION[i][y]: count1 += 1 i -= 1 else: break i = x + 1 while i < level: if CHESSLOCATION[i][y] == color: count1 += 1 i += 1 else: break 纵向判断 j = y - 1 while (j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[x][j] == color: count2 += 1 j -= 1 else: break j = y + 1 while j < level: if CHESSLOCATION[x][j] == color: count2 += 1 j += 1 else: break 正对角线判断 i, j = x - 1, y - 1 while (i >= 0 and j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count3 += 1 i -= 1 j -= 1 else: break i, j = x + 1, y + 1 while (i < level and j < level): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count3 += 1 i += 1 j += 1 else: break 反对角线判断 i, j = x + 1, y - 1 while (i < level and j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count4 += 1 i += 1 j -= 1 else: break i, j = x - 1, y + 1 while (i > 0 and j < level): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count4 += 1 i -= 1 j += 1 else: break if count1 >= length or count2 >= length or count3 >= length or count4 >= length: return True else: return False def Autoplay(ch, m, n): a1 = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,0,0] b1 = [1,-1,-1,1,0,0,1,-1] rand = randint(0,7) while m+a1[rand]>=0 and m+a1[rand]=0 and n+b1[rand]更多有趣源码,加群:960410445 即可获取!

互联网小常识:IEEE802.11b运作模式基本分为两种:点对点模式(ad hoc,无线网卡与无线网卡之间的通信方式,最多256台),基本模式(无线网络规模扩充或无线和有线网络并存时的通信方式,是802.11b最常用的工作模式,最多1024台)。
