移动互联网 英文(移动互联网时代英文)
internet penetration rate
The number of internet users in China had reached 940 million as of June, accounting for one-fifth of the worlds total, according to the report. The internet penetration rate in China reached 67 percent, about 5 percentage points higher than the global average, the report said.报告显示,截至2020年6月,我国网民规模达9.4亿,相当于全球网民的五分之一。互联网普及率达67%,约高于全球平均水平5个百分点。
这里的penetration rate多用于商业领域,指渗透率,常用的专业表达是market penetration rate(市场渗透率),指某个商品或品牌在整个市场中的普及程度以及销售情况。
那么internet penetration rate指的就是互联网在全国的普及及使用程度。
类似的表达还有broadband/mobile-phone penetration(宽带/手机普及程度)。
Residents in 98 percent of Chinas poor villages had access to the internet through fiber-optic cables, said the report, noting that the urban-rural digital gap had been significantly narrowed.数据显示,全国贫困村通光纤比例达到98%,城乡数字鸿沟显著缩小。
这里的digital gap就是数字鸿沟,又称为信息鸿沟,也可以用digital divide来表示,是指在全球数字化进程中,不同国家、地区、行业、企业、社区之间,由于对信息、网络技术的拥有程度、应用程度以及创新能力的差别而造成的信息落差及贫富进一步两极分化的趋势。消除数字鸿沟有助于缩小rural-urban divide(城乡差距)。
The number of the countrys livestreaming users reached 562 million by the end of June, 309 million of whom are engaged with e-commerce livestreaming, according to the report.报告显示,截至6月底,我国直播用户达5.62亿,其中3.09亿为电商直播用户。
Internet services such as online education, medical consultation and remote-office facilities have great development potential due to the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, said the report, adding that the number of online-education users now exceeds 380 million.受新冠肺炎疫情影响,在线教育、在线医疗、远程办公等成为极具发展潜力的互联网应用,其中在线教育用户已超过3.8亿。
物联网 internet of things
数字经济 digital economy
移动互联网 mobile internet
科技创新 science and technological innovation
移动互联网家庭普及率 household penetration of mobile internet
China Daily热词训练营